domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017

LAIR: Liberalism & Conservatism in Mexico (October 23)

1. Excerpt from the profile of Benito Juárez in ThoughtCo.

The liberals had the upper hand for the moment, but their ideological conflict with conservatives continued to smolder. As minister of Justice, Juárez passed laws limiting church power, and in 1857 a new constitution was passed, which limited them even further. By then, Juárez was in Mexico City, serving in his new role as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The new constitution turned out to be the spark that reignited the smoking fires of conflict between the liberals and conservatives, and in December 1857, the conservative general Félix Zuloaga overthrew the government.

THE REFORM WAR 1858-1861

Many prominent liberals, including Juárez, were arrested. Released from prison, Juarez went to Guanajuato, where he declared himself president and declared war. The two governments, led by Juárez and Zuloaga, were sharply divided, mostly over the role of religion in government. Juárez worked to further limit the powers of the church during the conflict. The United States government, forced to pick a side, formally recognized the liberal Juárez government in 1859. This turned the tide in favor of the liberals, and on January 1, 1861, Juárez returned to Mexico City to assume the presidency of a united Mexico.


After the disastrous reform war, Mexico and its economy were in tatters. The nation still owed great sums of money to foreign nations, and in late 1861, Britain, Spain and France united to send troops to Mexico to collect.
Some intense last-minute negotiations convinced the British and Spanish to withdraw, but the French remained and began fighting their way to the capital, which they reached in 1863. They were welcomed by conservatives, who had been out of power since Juárez’ return. Juárez and his government were forced to flee.


The French invited Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph, a 31-year-old Austrian nobleman, to come to Mexico and assume rule. In this, they had the support of many Mexican conservatives, who thought that a monarchy would best stabilize the country. Maximilian and his wife Carlota arrived in 1864, where they became crowned emperor and empress of Mexico. Juárez continued to war with the French and conservative forces, eventually forcing the emperor to flee the capital. Maximilian was captured and executed in 1867, effectively ending the French occupation."

2. Excerpt from Plan de Ayutla, 1854:

Que la permanencia de don Antonio López de Santa Anna en el con exclusión absoluta de cualquier otro sistema de gobierno poder es un amago constante para las libertades públicas, puesto que, con el mayor escándalo, bajo su gobierno se han hollado las garantías individuales…
…sólo ha venido a oprimir y vejar a los pueblos recargándolos de contribuciones onerosas sin consideración a la pobreza general, empleándose su producto en gastos superfluos y formar la fortuna, como en otra época, de unos cuantos favoritos;
…debiendo conservar la integridad del territorio de la república, ha vendido una parte considerable de ella sacrificando a nuestros hermanos de la frontera del Norte,
…las instituciones republicanas son las únicas que convienen al país, con exclusión absoluta de cualquier otro sistema de gobierno;"

3. Excerpt from Plan de Tacubaya, 1857:
"Considerando: Que la mayoría de los pueblos no ha quedado satisfecha con la Carta fundamental que le dieran sus mandatarios, porque ella no ha sabido hermanar el progreso con el orden y la libertad, y porque la oscuridad en muchas de sus disposiciones ha sido el germen de la guerra civil:

Considerando: Que la República necesita de instituciones análogas a sus usos y costumbres, y al desarrollo de sus elementos de riqueza y prosperidad, fuente verdadera de la paz pública, y del engrandecimiento y respetabilidad de que es tan digna en el interior y en el extranjero:

Considerando: Que la fuerza armada no debe sostener lo que la Nación no quiere, y sí ser el apoyo y la defensa de la voluntad pública, bien expresada ya de todas maneras,"

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