miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018

CMAC: Challenge 2, Visit the Museo de las Constituciones (due February 9)

Objective: You will visit the Museo de las Constituciones (located in Centro Histórico) and connect what you learn there with the topics of the class through a report in pairs.

Due date: February 9, 2017. Upload your report to Blackboard before midnight. E-mailed and late assignments will not be accepted.

1. Visit the Museo de las Constituciones separately or together with your team.

Calle del Carmen # 31 esq. San Idelfonso, Centro Histórico, C.P. 06010

Open Wednesday through Sunday, 10:00-17:00hrs. (Entrance is free)

Contact information:
Tel (55) 570269

WhatsApp: 5578396804

2. In a single Word .docx file per team, add the following elements:
  • A selfie with your tickets to the museum.
  • 8 pictures of yourself (either selfies or taken by someone else) next to: the entrance of the museum, in the five rooms of the museum, next to the Constitution of 1857, and next to the Constitution of 1917. Everyone in the team should be in every picture or at least have their equivalent 8 pictures. Failure to appear in pictures related to this challenge will cause a lower grade.
  • Answer the following questions according to the information in the museum and what was discussed in class. Do not exceed 5 lines per answer:
  1. Generally speaking, what is the purpose of a constitution?
  2. How many constitutions has Mexico had and which ones are they?
  3. What are the requirements to ammend or reform Mexico's current constitution?
  4. How many ammendments or reforms have been made to Mexico's constitution during Enrique Peña Nieto's administration?
  5. What does it mean to be "politically iliterate"?
  6. What are the three principles under which it is possible to build a citizenry?
  7. What did you think of the museum? (Include answers for all team members, max. 5 lines each)
  8. Do you think the museum stimulates a relevant discussion for Mexican society? (Include answers for all team members, max. 5 lines each)

3. This Challenge will be graded as follows:

Each question (1-6) is included and answered in a máximum of 5 lines.
Opinion questions include answers from all team members in max. 5 lines.
The 9 pictures are included, and they show all the team members at the museum with their ticket, at the entrance of the museum, in the five rooms of the museum, next to the Constitution of 1857, and next to the Constitution of 1917



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